Have you ever wondered how failure planes of submarine landslides work? Or what happens inside a submarine channel? Or how the 2018 Anak Krakatoa Tsunami developed? Look no further!
We are excited to announce the new SLATE webinar series! Dive into the world of submarine landslide research, enjoy exiting insights into current projects and discuss the most recent findings. From micro-mechanics of failure planes over time-lapse monitoring of turbidity currents to tsunami genesis, from case studies over laboratory experiments to numerical modelling – our Early-Stage Researchers (ESR) as well as invited guest speakers will take you on a journey through state-of-the-art topics to tackle open questions.
The SLATE webinar series intends to provide a platform for young researchers to present themselves and their project results in front of a large audience within and outside of the SLATE consortium. Especially after the postponement and/or cancellation of many of 2020’s conferences due to the pandemic, it is more important than ever to provide alternate means for scientific exchange.
The webinar series will be organized on a fortnightly basis, always on a Wednesday from 12 – 1 pm (GMT+2) via the platform ZOOM.
NOTE: please direct password requests for recorded webinars to info@itn-slate.eu
Previous SLATE webinars:
SLATE webinar #12
Michael J Steventon
19 May 2021
recorded video [MP4]
SLATE webinar #11
Tugdual Gauchery
5 May 2021
recorded video [MP4]
SLATE webinar #9
Lewis Bailey
31 March 2021
recorded video [MP4]
SLATE webinar #8
Jonathan Ford
17 March 2021
recorded video [MP4]
SLATE webinar #7
Matthias Rauter
3 March 2021
recorded video [MP4]
SLATE webinar #6
Irena Schulten
17 February 2021
recorded video [MP4]
SLATE webinar #5
Kate Heerema
3 February 2021
recorded video [MP4]
SLATE webinar #3
Shray Badhani
9 December 2020
recorded video [MP4]

When & Where?
- every 2nd Wednesday
- 12 pm – 1 pm (GMT+1)
- via ZOOM
- permanent Zoom Link
- ID: 928 6049 3503
Code: p=&a7w - for access to recorded webinars please forward requests to info@itn-slate.eu
Next webinar:
- SLATE webinar #21 – Cathinka Schanning-Fosberg & Brian Carlton [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #20 – Derek E. Sawyer [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #19 – Stefano Collico [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #18 – Davide Mencaroni [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #17 – Ricarda Gatter [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #16 – Nan Wu [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #15 – Anthony Shorrock [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #14 – Euan L. Soutter [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #13 – Benjamin Bellmann [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #12 – Michael J Steventon [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #11 – Tugdual Gauchery [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #10 – Ting-Wei Wu [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #9 – Lewis Bailey [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #8 – Jonathan Ford [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #7 – Matthias Rauter [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #6 – Irena Schulten [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #5 – Kate Heerema [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #4 – Maarten Heijnen [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #3 – Shray Badhani [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #2 – Thomas Zengaffinen-Morris [PDF]
- SLATE webinar #1 – Rachel Barrett [PDF]