ESR 6: Pore pressure development in marine sediments
Davide Mencaroni | CSIC Barcelona
The build-up of continental margins, their sedimentary characteristics and stratigraphic patterns control fluid migration pathways and how, when and where excess pore pressure develops. Such excess pore pressure is one of the key factors governing the onset of slope instability. Yet, the mechanisms by which such excess pore pressures and consequent reduction in shear strength develop remains elusive in many instances. The ESR6 project will focus on understanding how strength, permeability and compressibility develop/evolve with burial depth and identifying the mechanisms of pore pressure development and relationship to the timing and location of slope failures. The candidate will perform mechanical tests to characterize changes in strength, permeability and compressibility with burial history and develop basin numerical models incorporating data from mechanical tests and geophysics to recognize fluid migration pathways and the mechanisms at the origin of pore pressure and slope failure development
@ Sharing Geoscience Online (4-8 May)
ESR 10, ESR 2, ESR 4, ESR 5, ESR 6, ESR 9, News
The biggest geoscience conference in Europe went online this year – but did it work? Read what our ESRs thought about this year’s EGU General Assembly, as conveners, authors/presenters and visitors.
@ Vienna, Austria (07 – 12 April 2019)
Conferences, ESR 1, ESR 12, ESR 13, ESR 14, ESR 15, ESR 2, ESR 3, ESR 4, ESR 5, ESR 6, ESR 7, ESR 8, ESR 9, News
ESRs share their experience at the EGU General Assembly 2019 hosted in Vienna, Austria. Posters, oral presentations, PICOs and much more.
@ Québec, Canada (12-17 August 2018)
Conferences, ESR 10, ESR 4, ESR 6, News
Shray (ESR4), Davide (ESR6) and Maarten (ESR10) participated at the International Sedimentological Congress (ISC) 2018, which was held from 13-17 August in Québec, Canada. Organised every four years by the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS), they took the chance to present their projects to a large audience. Read more about their experience…
@ RV Sarmiento de Gamboa
ESR 12, ESR 2, ESR 6, News
To acquire data for their individual ESR projects, William, Jonathan and Davide recently participated in Leg 1 of the INSIGHT cruise in the Gulf of Cádiz. Read more about their experience and tasks during the expedition and the scientific impact for their own research. They imaged and sampled the seafloor and its subsurface to better understand the earthquake and tsunami hazard in the Gulf of Cadiz.
@ MARUM, Bremen, Germany
ESR 11, ESR 2, ESR 3, ESR 4, ESR 6, ESR 7, ESR 9, News
From 23rd to 27th April, a group of seven SLATE ESRs participated in the ECORD Training Course 2018, which took place at MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Bremen. This one-week course provided a “Virtual Ship Experience” and prepared the young researchers for sailing in an offshore drillship expedition.