Multi and single-stage marine landslides in the Central Mediterranean: causes and recurrences
Tugdual Gauchery | ISMAR Bologna
Predisposing factors to margin instability include a variety of external causes such as earthquakes, tectonic setting, interstitial fluid flow and fast rates of sediment accumulation, especially at the edge of the continental shelf and in the upper slope. ESR3 project will focus on three case studies located in the Central Mediterranean Sea with the aim of identifying the different mechanisms of failure and the deriving hazard on coastal and marine infrastructures, such as some existing oil&gas installations. These case studies are hosted in different geodynamic contexts (back-arc, foredeep and foreland basins) with quite the most diverse stratigraphic architecture and morphology of the continental margin, seismotectonic settings, uplift rates and seismicity. The project will try to gain general conceptual models on concurrent and/or prevailing triggering mechanisms and recurrence from the analysis of these three specific slopes. The candidate will work in a composite research environment and will have to combine data and information from sedimentology, structural geology, seismic stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, tephrostratigraphy to assess the age of the different displaced masses. Quantitative geomorphometry will be used also to reconstruct slide dynamics, especially to constrain multi-stage failures. The candidate will apply numerical models with focus on the rheology and multi-layer/multi-stage structure of the landslides and their coupling to tsunami generation. Geotechnical data will be eventually acquired in a later stage of the project and will be used in models of risk and damage scenarios on marine infrastructures. Participation in and co-organization of joint and national cruises will be requested.
- Marzia Rovere (ISMAR)
- Antonio Cattaneo (IFREMER)
- Francesca Zolezzi (RINA Consulting)
- Jannis Kuhlmann (MARUM)
@ Vienna, Austria (07 – 12 April 2019)
Conferences, ESR 1, ESR 12, ESR 13, ESR 14, ESR 15, ESR 2, ESR 3, ESR 4, ESR 5, ESR 6, ESR 7, ESR 8, ESR 9, News
ESRs share their experience at the EGU General Assembly 2019 hosted in Vienna, Austria. Posters, oral presentations, PICOs and much more.
ESR 3, News, Secondments
Ifemer 2nd part-Tugdual Gauchery My second stay at Ifremer (Best, France), with my co-supervisor Antonio Cattaneo, lasted one month from 15/04 to the 15/05/2019 and aimed to work on the first manuscript. This tight collaboration with Antonio and other experts from Ifremer helped in the writing process. The manuscript deals with […]
@ IFREMER, Brest, France
ESR 3, News, Secondments
In early October, Tugdual (ESR 3) went on a secondment to IFREMER in Brest, France, in order to perform grain size analysis of the sortable silt fraction (10-63 µm) on two 9 and 11 m long piston cores. The analyses should help to shed light on present and past bottom-currents at the Gela Basin offshore Sicily.
@ MARUM, Bremen, Germany
ESR 11, ESR 2, ESR 3, ESR 4, ESR 6, ESR 7, ESR 9, News
From 23rd to 27th April, a group of seven SLATE ESRs participated in the ECORD Training Course 2018, which took place at MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Bremen. This one-week course provided a “Virtual Ship Experience” and prepared the young researchers for sailing in an offshore drillship expedition.
@ ENI, Milan, Italy
ESR 3, News, Secondments
After my participation to the conference in Victoria (British Columbia), I had the chance to accompany my supervisor (Marzia Rovere) and 3 people from ISMAR to the Eni laboratories in Milan. As they are involved in the SPOT Project (Potentially Triggerable Offshore Seismicity and Tsunamis, ABSTRACT), they had a special authorization to access the data room for a limited time (2 weeks). My supervisor made the demand if I also could have the access to some of the data for my PhD.
@ Victoria, Canada (7-9 May 2018)
ESR 1, ESR 10, ESR 15, ESR 3, ESR 5, News
Rachel, Tugdual and Maddalena share their experience of the 8th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences (ISSMMTC) hosted in Victoria, Canada! This bi-/triannual conference supported by UNESCO’s International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) was a great opportunity for our young scientists to come together and discuss the latest in the growing field of submarine landslide research.
@ Vienna, Austria
Conferences, ESR 3, News
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the biggest meeting of geoscientists in Europe. During 1 week, more than 15,000 scientists gathered to exchange and to present their work in front of the worldwide scientific community. This conference was my first participation in a conference and was a great opportunity to present my work and get feedbacks.
@ UniLaSalle Beauvais, France
ESR 3, News, Outreach
Saint Barbara at UniLaSalle Beauvais, France Outreach activity by Tugdual Gauchery (ESR3) | 02/12/2017 Saint Barbara or simply “Barbara Day”, also known as “Barbarafest”, is the patron saint of armourers, miners, and generally of people who work with explosives and/or in the mountains including – by extension – the geologists/volocanologist /geophysicists. For this occasion, every […]