Maps for publications – an introdcution to GMT
@ Marum, Bremen | 23/11/2017
Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) are a freely available package containing numerous command-line programmes useful for generating a wide range of figures. As the name suggests, the tools are particularly well adapted to creating maps or other geo-referenced plots and come with a comprehensive collection of free GIS data, such as coast lines, rivers, political boundaries and coordinates of other geographic objects.
The course gives a general introduction into the tools application and focusses on a workflow for the production of simple and advanced maps (e.g. for publications, proposals, talks, cruise reports). Topics covered are:
- Introduction to GMT modules
- Implementation of freely available bathymetric data (GEBCO)
- Plotting of first simple maps and exporting into PostScript (PS) format for further editing
- Utilization of scripts (Notepad++) for projects involving several lines of code
- Creating and plotting gridded data and 3D plotting
Course type
- Expert course
- Jannis Kuhlmann (MARUM)
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