Slate - Submarine Landslides and their impact on European continental margins

The over-arching aim of the European Training Network SLATE is (i) to understand key factors triggering submarine landslides, the subsequent motion and evolution of failed material, as well as ensuing geohazards eg tsunamis; and (ii) to integrate an innovative broad range of scientific disciplines and private sector needs into a novel training-through-research and co-supervision of 15 ESRs.

SLATE focus on investigating submarine landslides and associated geohazards as important natural risks that threaten offshore infrastructures and coastal regions in Europe. Submarine landslides can be far larger than any terrestrial landslide and can produce tsunami whose far reaching effects can rival those produced by earthquake-tsunamis, and which threaten increasingly populated European coastlines. Even small landslides can damage very expensive and critically important seafloor installations. For example, pipelines used for oil and gas recovery, or telecommunication cables that now carry over 95% of global data. …READ MORE