Slate - Submarine Landslides and their impact on European continental margins

The over-arching aim of the European Training Network SLATE is two-fold:

  • to understand key factors triggering submarine landslides, the subsequent motion and evolution of failed material, as well as ensuing geohazards, e.g. tsunamis; and
  • to integrate an innovative broad range of scientific disciplines and private sector needs into a novel training-through-research and co-supervision of 15 ESRs.

SLATE focusses on investigating submarine landslides and associated geohazards as important natural risks that threaten offshore infrastructures and coastal regions in Europe. Submarine landslides can be far larger than any terrestrial landslide and can produce tsunami whose far reaching effects can rival those produced by earthquake-tsunamis, and which threaten increasingly populated European coastlines. Even small landslides can damage…


Launch of SLATE webinar series
(via ZOOM)

News | 2020-11-06

Have you ever wondered how failure planes of submarine landslides work? What happens inside a submarine channel? Or how the 2018 Anak Krakatoa Tsunami developed? Look no further! The SLATE webinar series bursts the most recent findings in submarine landslide research.

Research Expedition JC187 to the Congo Canyon
ESR 10, ESR 5, News | 2020-09-21

Kate and Maarten (ESRs 5 & 10) participated on research expedition JC187 to study submarine mass movements in this submarine canyon.

The EGU GA 2020 - a little different
@ Sharing Geoscience Online (4-8 May)

ESR 10, ESR 2, ESR 4, ESR 5, ESR 6, ESR 9, News | 2020-05-18

The biggest geoscience conference in Europe went online this year - but did it work? Read what our ESRs thought about this year’s EGU General Assembly, as conveners, authors/presenters and visitors.

Useful Information

Cathinka Schanning-Forsberg & Brian Carlton
SLATE webinar #21  

One year of SLATE webinars completed! Join in on the anniversary webinar #21 with Cathinka Schanning-Forsberg & Brian Carlton talking about Geohazard assessment related to submarine instabilities in Bjørnafjorden, Norway, on Wednesday, 11 November, 12 pm (GMT+1), via Zoom.

Derek E. Sawyer
SLATE webinar #20  

Seismic Strengthening: Impacts on Slope Stability and Post-Failure Behaviour of Submarine Landslides: That's the topic of our next webinar, coming up on Wednesday, October 27, 12 pm (GMT+2), via Zoom.

Stefano Collico
SLATE webinar #19  

SLATE webinar #19 coming up! Stefano Collico presents his topic "Optimal characterization of marine sediments via statistical analysis" on Wednesday, 29 September, 12 pm (GMT+2), via Zoom.